About mandi collection

Mandi Collection is designed and produced by the jewelry designer Dilan Daminda the Company’s founder and owner.

Dilan has a twenty five-year reputation in jewelry design and production. He began his work in early 90 s, and today he is known as one of the best designers for silver, gold, and precious stone jewelry industry.

As a jewelry designer Dilan continues a long tradition of jewelry design in ancient Sri Lankan style, Middle East, Asian, and European which began in his foreign experience working in a world-leading company like Al Othaim Group KSA, Thaigem.com, STS Thai, Blue River Diamond, Jewel Décor Co. Ltd Thailand as well as Rathnamahal , Vouge Jewelers, Jewelers Sri Lanka.

While working in Thailand Dilan designed jewelry for the largest TV network like QVC, HSN, JTV, Shop NBC, Shop at Home, TVSN Australia as well as Department stores like JC Penny, Walmart, Ross-Simons, Zales, etc.

Today Mandi Collection combines this special style with modern contemporary designs, in periodically changing collections that reflect the latest trends in the fashion and jewelry market. As a result, the production process yields artistic, seamless, and uniquely beautiful jewelry that combines ancient European style with modern innovative design. This is the basis of the special new line in the Mandi designer collection.

Mandi Collection Jewelry pieces are designed as unique ideas with an emphasis on contemporary modern style, but the wide variety of pieces are available in an array of styles, which also includes traditional artwork and the flavor of contemporary jewelry. The beautifully designed assortment of styles are perfect for any customer seeking highly personalized design, including men and women of different ages, businesses, and private individuals. Every piece is hand-crafted at an extremely high level of quality and finish.

Among the array of designs, one can also find gold or silver jewelry set with authentic Sri Lankan stones, found mostly in quarries located in Rathnapura city. The stone is authentic, one-of-a-kind shines with spectacular colors, and is of the highest quality. There are also various gemstones set in jewelry in each of the designer collections.

Mandi Collection LLC (Mandi Collection USA) is a registered company in the United States of America and Sri Lanka, continues the experience of artisan jewelry production and marketing, and works in partnership with high-end jewelry companies. We proudly would like to share our jewelry and Gemstone knowledge, craftsmanship with our valuable customers.

Dilan Daminda Designer / CEO
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